You want to create an online business...

Between haphazardly stitching together your graphics and continuously connecting with potential customers, this is easier said than done for most of us who are already doing #allthethings.

Get LOCKED into the current rates

before the price increases!

Sessions begin again mid-September!


You’ve had a long day, chock full of meetings, chasing little humans, meal prepping, grooming pets, and folding laundry (ugh), and just when your morning latte wears off, it hits you...

You realize you still have work to do—a lot of it.

Whether you’re running a small business on Etsy,

trying to up your game as a realtor,

or launching a nonprofit,

you’ve realized there is

so much more to running a successful business

than simply offering the service you are providing.

The typical response for already overwhelmed female entrepreneurs when they find they can’t get things to do what they want and look the way they want is to play small with their goals and vision.

Although you’re a passionate woman, who isn’t afraid of spiders or tackling a home DIY project, there is just something about the world of tech and branding that is intensely intimidating.

Maybe you are intimidated by the thought of the most elementary aspects of technology as it relates to your business, like taking payments or delivering services, because tech just isn’t your cup of tea.

You may have read “Technology for Dummies” or purchased some cookie-cutter branding guidelines.

Sometimes even the most determined women need to turn to others for help—bikini waxes come to mind here—to gain the confidence they need to excel in new ventures.

Maybe you don’t like the idea of sending your prospects to your website because you feel like it looks like a five-year-old put it together.

While it can be tempting to outsource these tasks to VAs or marketers, if your VA quits unexpectedly or is otherwise unavailable, you're essentially up the creek without a paddle.

This can drastically impact your business and leave you scrambling for a quick fix.

It's time to stop relying on duct tape to hold your business together.

By learning how to handle these tasks on your own, you can break free from relying on others and get things done on your own schedule-- exactly how you want them done.

And when you DO delegate, you know what you’re talking about!

I'm Elizabeth. I've called myself the "Brand Doula" and the "Tech Witch."

Technology is my playground, and my mission is to empower female entrepreneurs to take control of and fine-tune their own businesses by eliminating the frustrations associated with technology.

If you just “don’t get it,” there is nothing to be embarrassed about. Tech overwhelm is a real concept, but like everything else in life, if you want help, hire an expert!

Fortunately, I’ve been immersed in technology since the days of AOL chat rooms, and, as a female entrepreneur myself,

I understand the desire to present yourself both professionally and beautifully.

Something like tech-overwhelm shouldn’t stand between you and an online presence you want to brag about.


Nope, this isn’t a newly emerging competitor of Starbucks. CoffeeHaus is a quarterly membership for those who are tired of being held back by their lack of tech know-how to gain the skills they need to move forward.

These meetings take place via Zoom, with screen sharing enabled. By using screen share, I can either walk you through your specific blocks, or you'll be watching me work on YOUR BIZ in real-time.

This means you get one-on-one attention with your own unique tech-related issues AND the benefit of learning from the questions of others in the group. You can ask about Kajabi vs Infusionsoft, for example, and get platform recommendations based on your desires and objectives.


I work with women all over the world, so I offer two time slots: The Early Bird Sessions begin at 9AM EST and Night Owl Sessions begin at 9PM EST. The days of the week will vary according to which of my astrological houses the moon will be in. (no, seriously)


As CoffeeHaus Member, you'll receive access to my calendar and register for the sessions you want to attend. Grande Members have 8 sessions, while Venti Members have access to all sessions. Sessions are 60-90 minutes and 8 seats are available.

Need more?

The Trenta CoffeeHaus Membership gives on-demand, private attention. In addition to the live co-working sessions, Trenta Level members get private coaching via audio/text message and through bespoke instructional video.

How Long?

In my corner of the universe, we're all CEO's of our own businesses. That means we work in Quarters. All levels are for 13 weeks.


If you find that you blast through all your sesssions, adding more is no problem.

What's Included?

This is Not a Course

This membership is designed to support you in implementing what you’ve learned in all the other courses you purchased that promised big results.

You will, however, have access to a membership site to access all sorts of random instructional goodies you never knew you needed.

Personalized Instruction

This is not some cookie-cutter business in a box system. I'll help you figure out how to set things up in a way that feels good for you. Because, if it doesn't feel good, you won't follow through!

The "Progress Bar"

A Private and Collaborative Trello board to stay organized, take notes, and remember what we talked about each week, and your course of action for the next call.

Facebook group

Access to the private Facebook group, because, community matters. When you feel supported, thats when you take action.

What are others saying?

Ellie has the patience of a saint with those of us who are a little technically challenged or didn't grow up with this stuff, so it doesn't come naturally to us. Her ability to walk me and others, I've seen, step-by-step through processes and really actually make them look simple by the end of that is astonishing.

Darla Delayne

Founder, She's C.E.O.

It's a time saver from endless amounts of information you have to sift through to find your answer. I have gained so much knowledge in how to support my branding and keep my pages cohesive. I have learned to enjoy putting emails together that sound and look just like I am having a conversation with my clients.

Laura Kinnamen-Spears

Skincare Consultant

Conquer Tech Overwhelm for good.

Sign up for CoffeeHaus now and learn to dominate even the most intimidating tasks. (But seriously, save the bikini waxes for the professionals.)

Choose Your Plan

to lock in old pricing!





New Pricing Starts

9-12-22 at 12:oo PM EST



  • 8 sessions over 13 weeks
  • Facebook Membership for peer support
  • Personal and Collaborative Trello Board to organize your questions and keep you accountable.




New Pricing Starts

9-12-22 at 12:oo PM EST



  • Everything in Venti +
  • Private tech coaching through Audio/Text messaging
  • Request up to 8 personalized instructional videos directly targeting your specific needs.
  • Payment plan available.




New Pricing Starts

9-12-22 at 12:oo PM EST



  • 24 sessions over 13 weeks
  • Facebook Membership for peer support
  • Personal and Collaborative Trello Board to organize your questions and keep you accountable.
  • Payment plan available.

Looking for something a little more

  • Targetted/Specific?
  • Individualized?
  • A La Carte?

You need a Cortado!

A Cortado (Cuban for very small, but very strong coffee) is a 90 minute One on One intensive where I help you tackle that "one thing" that you're hung up on. Setting up a sequence in Mailchimp or how to actually use your brand kit well in Canva. And when we're done, you get to keep the recording of the whole session for reference.

Tell me what you need help with, and I'll tell you if I can help. Fill out an order form ⬇️

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